We value transparency towards our customers

Mirror Lake France booking, reservation, payment, and cancellation terms.

When customers book a holiday at Mirror Lake France, the following terms apply:

Booking, reservations and payment.

  1. When a customer books a holiday with Mirror Lake France, Mirror Lake France will send the customer an email with the booking period, the total price of the booking, the payment due dates and the Mirror Lake France booking and cancellation terms. These terms are also published on our website.
  2. Mirror Lake France will only reserve / confirm the booked holiday period in its systems after receipt of the initial deposit amount from the customer. For Mirror Lake the initial deposit is £395. For Mirror Image the initial deposit is £250. After the receipt of the deposit, Mirror Lake France will confirm the customers holiday booking reservation and deposit payment via email.
  3. The second down payment for the holiday is due on latest January 31st of the year that the holiday is planned in. The amount of this down payment is £500 for Mirror Lake and £300 for Mirror Image.
  4. The last down payment of £500 is due 6 weeks before your planned arrival date.

Booking cancellation terms.

  1. If at any time the booking / reservation is cancelled by the customer, the deposit and or down payments are not refundable. Mirror Lake France strongly advises its customers to take out a cancellation insurance that will cover the costs in case the customer needs to cancel their booked holiday with Mirror Lake France.
  2. It is the customers responsibility to pay the deposit and down payments in time. Failure to do so will result in a cancellation of the booking.
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